23-26 July 2025

Contact Us

For Visitors

Please contact: RX Tradex Call Center

T. +66 2686 7222

E. [email protected]

For Space Booking

Please contact: Ms. Suprapa Sa-ngasri

T. +66 2686 7289

E. [email protected]

For Media Relations

Please contact: Ms. Ekanong Poshyananda

T. +66 2686 7354

E. [email protected]

Mr. Amnat Somsri

T. +66 2686 7201

E. [email protected]

Follow Us

GFT is open to trade visitors only.  Please dress in business attire. Minors under the age of 15 will not be permitted into the exhibition hall.  The organizer reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone without cause or explanation.